The Mission

To offer the best in business and vocational skill development, business support service and aspiring for entrepreneurs by providing exceptional training, skills transfer, mentorship, incubation and acceleration programs.

About Activ8

Activ8 Innovation Academy is an innovative enterprise institute located in Kaduna that is focused on providing educational and vocational training services, capacity building, supporting and promoting innovation and creativity in the fields of information and communication technology.

The main thrust of Activ8 Innovation academy is creating an alternative approach to developing entrepreneurship, skills acquisition, career, business ideas and enterprise among young individuals.  We leverage both conventional and non-conventional approach to impact skills and knowledge in a way that it puts the student or trainee in the best position to face the challenges and rigors of the real world of both career and entrepreneurship.

Activ8 Innovation Academy
Changing Innovation narative.

The Academy is conceive with the sole aim of setting a standard for innovation in Africa.

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